Jane St. Claire, the founder of SavorCalifornia.com, grew up overseas in South America, Asia and Africa. �I had the kid�s natural aversion to anything new, but my mother put a high priority on trying the foods of the countries where we lived and traveled. We had to eat whatever was put in front of us, and smile while we were doing it!�

Those early years led to many interesting eating experiences and a love of all sorts of foods. When she moved to Sonoma County, California in 1988, St. Claire was attracted to the wine business. �I was asked to produce the first tasting for a group of California wineries that make Italian varietals, such as Sangiovese and Pinot Grigio.�

During her seven years producing the Consorzio Cal-Italia�s annual wine and food tasting, she met a number of California�s gourmet specialty food producers. In 2003, she decided to switch her career from wine to food. �I had discovered that many people who make absolutely amazing gourmet food products have difficulty marketing them. I thought I could help with that.�

St. Claire developed SavorCalifornia.com to showcase the best of the amazingly diverse gourmet specialty food and beverage producers in the Golden State. SavorCalifornia.com continues to expand, adding new producers every month. The website provides an easy and enjoyable way to find out what�s good, who�s making it and where to find it.

It�s clear that St. Claire has a passion for artisan foods. Her pride in the products that she represents is immediately evident. �These people are specialists. They are focused on making a particular type of food very well, sometimes preserving traditions and sometimes adding a new taste twist to something familiar. Whether their ingredients and methods are traditional or innovative, it�s a pleasure to support their dedication to the finest quality.�

Savor California is a collaborative work, and St. Claire is grateful for the creative talents of the food lovers who have contributed to it, including: Richard Armerding, Kathleen Bakula, Deborah Geitner, Kristen McCormick, Pam Sibley, Jamie Spooner, Barbara Steinberg, Kelvin Van Manen, and Julia Wright.

St. Claire has been collecting food quotes for years, and they add spice to the site. Mouth-watering photos also contribute to the site�s appeal. When you visit Savor California, St. Claire hopes that you will think, �I want to be sitting there eating that!�


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