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Dressings and Sauces
Apple and Dried Plum Sauce
Apple-Onion Chutney with Blue Cheese
Bacon-Onion Chutney
Black Currant Vinaigrette
Cool Dill Pollen Sauce
Cranberry Chipotle Sauce
Cranberry Sauce with Zing
Dried Cherry Relish
Fruit Salsa with Figs, Pineapple and Mango
Karene's Chunky Fresh
Lemongrass Vinaigrette
Mustard-Hazelnut Vinaigrette
Parmesan Truffle Aioli
Pomegranate Tangerine Marinade
Roasted Garlic-Balsamic Fig Spread
Romesco Sauce
Verjus Vinaigrette

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